Anger is an emotional feeling that we all experience when we are barred to reach our goal. This is in fact a signal indicating building up of frustration. There is nothing wrong to be angry but what matters most is the way of expressing the feeling. In most of the cases the outbursts come in a very wrong way. How the children learn to express their anger determines whether they will manage anger of the anger manages them. The family anger management activities are great for teaching children to change their behavior to the positive way.
How family anger management activities help
The goal of the Anger management activities is to help the children and the adolescents to express anger in an assertive way without being aggressive. Suppressing of anger often results to explosion at a later stage and contributes toaggressive behavior and also forms the habit of finding fault in others. In this process they learn to manage anger without suppressing it and therefore develop the quality of managing intense situations without being hurt or hurting others.
How children learn?
Children never learn from punishment when they are angry. Punishments for any type of aggression may stop the behavior for the time being, but it turns the children more aggressive later. The children always learn from the people around them and therefore the parents must be very careful about how they handle their anger. Children have a natural tendency to imitate the behaviors of the parents and learning to control anger is no exception.
Different family anger management activities
There are many steps that the parents can take for helping children deal with anger in a more comfortable way. The following anger management strategies will help the parent to make the kids rational and positive for easy navigation through the world.
- Avoid negative labeling
Many children grow up in an environment that labels them in negative ways. Continuous labeling makes the child think that he is really like that and never try to leave that image. Instead of labeling a child in negative way the parents must express what is expected from them.
- One minute reprimand
Not listening to what we do not like to hear is a natural human behavior and the children always learn to shut them off from long lecturing parents. Telling them about their behavior in precise way helps them to understand the problem better. So, the parents must tell the kids about the wrong done in one sentence telling him that you are disappointed and remind that he can do better behavior when gets angry next.
- Be a role model
Children seldom what they are told; they rather love to imitate the action of the grownups. So, the key component of family anger management activities for the parents is to manage anger in an assertive way and be a role model to the children.
- Involve the child
Children should be directly involved is all discussions regarding the causes of anger. They should also be involved in finding different ways to deal with anger with consequence for each option for finding the best way to appease anger. In this process they develop the sense of ownership and self discipline.
- Show love and compassion
Children having unconditional love from parents are less likely to become frustrated and be angry. Parents should also spend quality time with the children as one of the effective family anger management activities.